Associate Professor Adam Butt

Adam Butt profile photo


Research School of Finance, Actuarial Studies & Statistics

Associate Professor
Head of Actuarial Studies
Phone number
+61 2 612 53580
Room 3.49, CBE Bld (26C)
Research areas

Actuarial studies; Statistics.


Adam Butt is an Associate Professor of Actuarial Studies and Statistics.  Adam’s research interests focus on superannuation and personal financial decision making, and actuarial education.  He has received a number of grants for his projects, including: CSIRO Data 61 funding to investigate superannuation and retirement living standards; and Centre for International Finance and Regulation grants to examine default superannuation arrangements. Adam’s research has been published in a number of top-ranked actuarial and other journals including Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Annals of Actuarial Science, The Economic Record, and Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organisation.

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Research grants and awards

Superannuation Lifecycle Modelling from a Household Perspective, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Data61 Collaborative Research Project, 2020-22. (joint with Gaurav Khemka)

Developing Coherent and Usable Decision Support Systems to Improve Financial Wellbeing over an Individual’s Lifecycle.  Centre for International Finance and Regulation Research Grant, 2014/15. (joint with Anthony Asher, Ujwal Kayande and Garry Khemka) 

Graduate Views on Their Actuarial Education in Australia, 2014/15, Actuaries Institute Research Grant. (joint with Jim Farmer and David Pitt) 

Structure and Responsibilities in Default Superannuation Funds: Influences and Effectiveness.  Centre for International Finance and Regulation Research Grant, 2013/15. (joint with Geoff Warren, Scott Donald, Doug Foster and Susan Thorp) 

Does the Financial Market Fully Price Unfunded Pension Liabilities in Australia: Evidence from Corporate Defined-benefit Superannuation.  AFAANZ Research Fund Grant 2011/12. (joint with Yin Liao)

Research engagement and outreach

Current Service Roles at ANU

Head of Actuarial Studies

RSFAS Executive member

Nominated Accreditation Actuary

Convenor of the Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honors in Actuarial Studies and Economics)

College of Business and Economics Year in Industry program working group


Previous Service Roles at ANU

Convener of the Bachelor of Actuarial Studies

Deputy Director (Education) RSFAS

College of Business and Economics Education Committee member

Coordinator of the Actuarial Employment Seminar

College of Business and Economics Teaching Awards Selection Panel


Current Service Roles with the Actuaries Institute

Education Strategy Committee

Working Group on structure of the Foundation Program


Past Service Roles with the Actuaries Institute

Working Group on development of new accreditation policy

Writer of Course 6A and 6B

Marker and scrutineer of assignments and examination papers for Part III Courses 1, 4A, 4B, 6A, 6B and 10

Educational Development Group

Superannuation & Employee Benefits Research Sub-committee of the Institute of Actuaries of Australia


Current Teaching

STAT3038/6045 Actuarial Techniques

Previous Teaching

STAT1003 Statistical Techniques

STAT1008 Quantitative Research Methods

STAT1031 Introduction to Actuarial Studies

STAT2032/6046 Financial Mathematics

STAT3015/7030 Generalised Linear Modelling

ACST4032/8041 Actuarial Control Cycle 2

ACST8049 Advanced Global Retirement Income Systems

ANUActuarialX Introduction to Actuarial Science