Research School of Finance, Actuarial Studies & Statistics
Finance; Funds management; Asset Pricing; Workplace gender equality.
Anna von Reibnitz is a Senior Lecturer in Finance, the Convenor of ANU Finance Masters programs and a Research Affiliate with the Global Institute for Women's Leadership (ANU). Anna’s research interests include funds management, asset pricing and workplace gender equality, with a particular focus on the risks and rewards of active investing. Her research has been published in a number of top-ranked finance journals including Critical Finance Review and Pacific-Basin Finance Journal. She actively collaborates with industry, including research for the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, has been interviewed on TV and radio outlets such as SBS World News and ABC Radio, and her research has been covered in the Australian Financial Review, Bloomberg and the Canberra Times, among others. Anna’s focus on industry engagement and application underpins her research-led teaching practices, including the development of the award winning ANU Student Managed Fund, and has resulted in National accolades such as the Australian Awards for University Teaching Award for Teaching Excellence.